With a unique combination of expertise in valuations of operating companies and in-depth knowledge of the aquaculture industry, AquaSol, Inc. can deliver accurate and timely opinions on fair value to buy and sell side clients. To arrive at the fair market value estimate, we will examine a number of factors associated with the aquaculture enterprise such as its history, financial condition, earnings capacity, dividends, aquaculture segment drivers, and economic conditions, to name a few. One area in particular in which we excel is in proper identification of risk factors unique to the industry, company, species, and location.
Distilled to its most basic form, valuation of a company is the sum of the present value of the cash flows expected to be generated by that investment. Several different methods can be used to arrive at a valuation with or without opinion; the income approach, market approach, and asset approach will all be considered and utilized as appropriate to the situation and type of client.
When performing due diligence and valuing an aquaculture business for buy-side clients, we employ a conservative approach and actively pursue full discovery of risks to insure adequate downside protection is integrated into the terms of the transaction if and when a decision is made to pursue the aquaculture investment opportunity.